Install Cmdbuild Ubuntu
Xda-developers Android Development and Hacking Android Software and Hacking General [Developers Only] [TRICK] Compile with apktool on ubuntu linux 64bit without getting errors by enryea123 XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. Installing Firebird 3.x How to install and set Firebird 3.0 server (This is Beta and only for testers) Installing JDBC for MySQL 5.0 Install and setup of Java Database Connectivity for MySQL 5.0. Using MySQL, JDBC and OpenOffice Using Java Database Connectivity, MySQL and OpenOffice. Ingres 2006 - How to build, install and set up an Ingres 2006 server in ubuntu. NFS Server - Setting up Ubuntu as an NFS server.
Introduction is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system. It runs under all major operating systems, including Linux, UNIX (AIX, BSD, HP-UX, SGI IRIX, Mac OS, Solaris, Tru64), and Windows OS.
PostgreSQL 9.4 has been released last week with major enhancements, fixes, and features. Read what is new in PostgreSQL 9.4. In this handy tutorial, let us see how to install PostgreSQL 9.4 on CentOS 7/6.5/6.4 server. Install PostgreSQL Go to the PostgreSQL repository, and add the PostgreSQL 9.4 repository depending upon your server architecture. For CentOS 6.x 32bit: rpm -Uvh For CentOS 6.x 64bit: rpm -Uvh For CentOS 7 64bit: rpm -Uvh Update the repository list using command. Yum update Now, Install postgresql with the following command: yum install postgresql94-server postgresql94-contrib Initialize postgresql database using following command: On CentOS 6.x systems: service postgresql-9.4 initdb On CentOS 7 systems: /usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/postgresql94-setup initdb Then, start postgresql service and make it to start automatically on every reboot.
On CentOS 6.x systems: service postgresql-9.4 start chkconfig postgresql-9.4 on On CentOS 7 systems: systemctl enable postgresql-9.4 systemctl start postgresql-9.4 Adjust Iptables/Firewall Next, adjust iptables to access postgresql from remote systems. On CentOS 6.x systems: vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables Add the following line: -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 5432 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT Save and exit the file. Restart iptables service. Service iptables restart On CentOS 7 systems: firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=5432/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp firewall-cmd --reload Adjust SELinux Run the following command to make PostgreSQL work if SELinux enabled on your system. Setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db 1 You may not login to PostegreSQL if you didn’t run the above command.
Access PostgreSQL command prompt The default database name and database user are “postgres”. Switch to postgres user to perform postgresql related operations: su - postgres To login to postgresql, enter the command: psql Sample Output: psql (9.4.0) Type 'help' for help.
Postgres=# To exit from posgresql prompt, type q following by quit to return back to the Terminal. Set “postgres” user password Login to postgresql prompt, su - postgres psql. And set postgres password with following command: postgres=# password postgres Enter new password: Enter it again: postgres=# q To install PostgreSQL Adminpack, enter the command in postgresql prompt: postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION adminpack; CREATE EXTENSION Create New User and Database For example, let us create a new user called “senthil” with password “centos”, and database called “mydb”. Switch to postgres user: su - postgres Create user senthil. $ createuser senthil Create database: $ createdb mydb Now, login to the psql prompt, and set password and Grant access to the database mydb for senthil: $ psql psql (9.4.0) Type 'help' for help. Postgres=# alter user senthil with encrypted password 'centos'; ALTER ROLE postgres=# grant all privileges on database mydb to senthil; GRANT postgres=# Delete Users and Databases To delete the database, switch to postgres user: su - postgres Enter command: $ dropdb To delete a user, enter the following command: $ dropuser Configure PostgreSQL-MD5 Authentication MD5 authentication requires the client to supply an MD5-encrypted password for authentication.
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