Manual De Cardiologia Veterinaria Pdf File
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Manual Cardiologia Veterinaria webs y buscadores - isciii - manual docente de la escuela nacional de sanidad madrid, octubre de 2010 webs. Related PDFs.
Data mining han and kamber solution pdf download. As for the surgical conditions associated with each patient, the most prevalent diseases were: orthopedic conditions (20%), breast neoplasias (13.3%), and cystic endometrial hyperplasia (10%). In the group corresponding to the elective procedures, the most common procedures were ovariosalpingohisterectomy - OSH (20%), orchiectomy (6.7%), and periodontal prophylaxis (3.3%).
By means of statistical analysis of all cases, we did not observe any predisposition to the development of cardiac conduction disorders that correlates with each pathology presented by the evaluated dogs. All elective procedures and surgical pathologies corresponding to the patients of this study are displayed in Figure 6. Confronting the percentage between the assessed males and females, a ratio of 63.3% versus 36.7% was obtained.
From the females evaluated, 21.1% of animals presented absence of electrocardiographic changes. Among the males submitted to preoperative examination, 36.36% of the animals had no heart rhythm disturbances. Based on the concept that the large variation in body shape among the different dogs breeds can alter the acceptable standardized measures(21), we considered weight patterns (up to 9.9 kg, from 10 to 20 kg, and above 20 kg) during the interpretation of the electrocardiograms(22) in order to analyze the cardiac electrical activity in a correct and adequate way. Therefore, considering the total population of dogs studied (n=60), alterations in the electrocardiogram were found in 76.9% of the animals with up to 9.9 kg, in 66.7% of those weighing from 10 to 20 kg, and in 75% of those over 20 kg (Figure 8). According to the age range of the studied dogs, we observed that among the small animals, the electrocardiographic alterations corresponded to a percentage of 7.7% of puppies, 30.8% of adults, and 38.46% of elderly dogs. Among the medium-sized animals, 10% of the puppies presented alterations in the electrocardiographic tracing, 30% of adults, and 30% of the elderly. In the group of large dogs, the same percentage of cardiac rhythm abnormalities was observed among the puppies, adults and the elderly, corresponding to 28.6% of each age group (Figure 9).
Author by: Ana Malinow Rajkovic Language: en Publisher by: University of Texas Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 64 Total Download: 691 File Size: 52,9 Mb Description: Self-teaching guide to the grammar, pronunciation, and medical vocabulary of Spanish. Presented in a systematic and highly entertaining fashion, twelve lessons cover some of the most commonly encountered situations. These include the family clinic, the emergency room, appendicitis, the social chat, pregnancy, family planning, pelvic inflammatory disease and urinary tract infection, depression, children with asthma, patients with angina, explaining a venipuncture and a spinal tap, and patients with shortness of breath. Each lesson closes with a bilingual interview that includes vocabulary and grammar introduced in that lesson. A guide to the medical history and physical examination appears in English and Spanish in the appendix. Author by: Miguel Angel Garcia Fernandez Language: es Publisher by: Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 55 Total Download: 718 File Size: 50,8 Mb Description: [Text is in Spanish] El contenido textual y grafico de los Manuales CTO constituye el idoneo soporte para la profundizacion en determinadas disciplinas medicas. De esta forma, representan obras de referencia y obligada consulta tanto para medicos generalistas como para especialistas, y suponen tambien una herramienta de estudio imprescindible para medicos residentes en pleno proceso de formacion especializada. Adobe photoshop touch ipad ipa download.